To establish a General Assembly, the following procedure will be followed:

1. Conducting the Election of the Executive Committee: As per the directives of the assembly, the election of the executive committee will be conducted, in which all members of the organization will participate.

2. Approval of the Annual Budget: The assembly will approve the annual budget, which will include the financial plans for the upcoming year of the organization.

3. Review and Confirmation of the Actions taken by the Executive Committee: The assembly will review the actions taken by the executive committee and confirm them.

4. Amendments/Modifications in the Organization's Constitution: The assembly may make necessary amendments or modifications in the organization's constitution, which will require the majority consent of the officers and members.

For the meetings of the General Assembly, the following rules will be followed:

1. The General Assembly will hold an annual meeting as per the organization's schedule. In special circumstances, a special session may also be called.

2. The quorum for the meeting will be one-third of the total members.

3. Notice of the meeting will be given 7 days in advance, and in urgent situations, a notice of 3 days will suffice.

4. If a quorum is not available, the meeting may be postponed, and a new time and place will be determined.

5. One-third of the committee or 15 members, whichever is less, who require it, must be convened for a meeting within one month. If the president or minister fails to convene a meeting within the specified period, a notice can be issued by 3 members, and all decisions taken in such a meeting will be valid and legal.

As for uploading this information to a website, you might consider creating a page titled "General Assembly" or "Annual Meeting" on your website, and the title could be "Procedures for Establishing a General Assembly" or "Guidelines for General Assembly Formation".